Ruwanthie de Chickera launches “The Children of the Little Olive Park”

Wednesday, 29 May 2024 01:16 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Ruwanthie de Chickera signs a copy of The Children of the Little Olive Park

Ambassador for Palestine in Sri Lanka Zuhair M.H. Zaid, Ruwanthie de Chickera and Ryan Holsinger exchange mementoes

Mind Adventures Theatre Co. and Stages Theatre Group actors staging a key moment from The Children of the Little Olive Park 

Sri Lankans are taking a keen interest on expressing their solidarity with the people of Palestine since the 7 October 2023 events and recently organised an event that reflected on the first Nakba that took place on 14 May 1948 under the theme ‘All Out for Palestine’.

Among the many variety items that were on the days agenda was the book ‘The Children of the Little Olive Park’ authored by Ruwanthie de Chickera and illustrated by Ryan Holsinger. The book distributed free at the event was dramatised by actors from Mind Adventures Theatre Co. and Stages Theatre Group actors.

“I wrote it in such a way that even a child could understand how the conflict was created in Palestine, and how it has been stoked throughout the years to bring about this terrible situation we are in,” speaking about the book de Chickera explained.

The illustrations done by Holsinger add a greater visual impact for those who pick the book to read to children. Children who are familiar with the colours associated with the countries could visually read the story along with it.

When asked on why she decided to use a situation between children for her storytelling approach, de Chickera elaborated: “In this little story, the main points of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict are set in simple language, and applied to a children’s situation. Two groups of children fight over a small park that they both want to play in. What would any decent and sensible adult do to mediate a situation like this? If the answer is clear in this scenario, the answer in Palestine should be clear too.”

de Chickera’s approach to explaining the complexity of an over seven-decade systematic pogrom and marginalisation endured by the people of Palestine is simple, it talks about a daily occurrence of a simple interaction between two groups that have to access a public space and share resources. While on the surface level, this seems like a social engagement that will not cause any conflict or create division, de Chickera unties the intricate details of how a simple behaviour of selfishness, wanting to impose authority and ownership based on access to resources could lead to disputes.

Collaborative effort and a drama, de Chickera fondly remembered her long term peer in theatre practice Tracy Holsinger who is the Director of Mind Adventures Theatre Co. with whom de Chickera’s Stages Theatre Group actors collaborated to stage a key moment of the story at the Public Library on 14 May.

“Tracy created a fantastic play. Both Mind Adventures Theatre Co. and Stages Theatre Group are local theatre companies, which have been around for 25 years now, producing original and innovative theatre on pertinent social issues. Like artists the world over, we have been horrified by the carnage in Palestine and the hypocritical brutality of powerful Western governments and global institutions set up to ‘protect’ humanity,” de Chickera explained.

Adding that: “Since November 2023, we have been consolidating the efforts of activists in Sri Lanka in support of the global movement towards a free Palestine. We have produced poetry, music, performances, and readings in solidarity with the people of Palestine and in support to end all colonisation, apartheid, genocide and hypocrisy. As artists, we will continue to lend our efforts to this global struggle for humanity.”

Collect a Free copy at Barefoot Bookshop, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka

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