Political patronage driving deforestation: Eran

Thursday, 11 March 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

SJB parliamentarian Eran Wickramaratne addressing the press on Tuesday


By Asiri Fernando

Deforestation and loss of habitat is being driven by political patronage, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) parliamentarian Eran Wickramaratne charged on Tuesday, pointing out that more damage to the environment may bring irreversible repercussions for future generations.   

“There is an increasing trend of deforestation and illegal sand mining today, with more than 100 locations where the environment is being damaged – all of which has been reported after 2020,” he said at a press conference held yesterday. He was joined by fellow SJB MP Harshana Rajakaruna. 

The opposition MP said that ecosystems in Sinharaja Forest Reserve, Knuckles Range, Urugasyaya, Pulmudai and Welikanda, were threatened by the activity of those who enjoy political patronage. He urged the Government to take the culprits to task. 

“The President visited Sinaharaja to observe the ground situation. However, no solution to the problem has been found yet. Residents of Anavilundawa claim that there is political interest behind the destruction of wetlands to make way for prawn farming. The mangroves of Tissamaharamaya have already been heavily damaged. The destruction of an elephant corridor has created a human elephant conflict in Welikanda,” Wickramaratne added. 

Citing concerns raised by experts about a recent spate of minor tremors in the central hills, Wickramaratne stated that a limestone mining operation in the Kandy district may affect the structural integrity of the Victoria Reservoir and other hydro dams in the area. 

“The area has the Victoria dam and other hydro dams close by, and experts have expressed concern over the continued limestone mining in the area. Already there have been some minor tremors. We need to investigate this. If we don’t look into this mining operation, it may lead to a major earthquake or landslide. That could lead to a great disaster in the future which may cost many lives. The Government must look into this. They will be held responsible if they don’t,” Wickramaratne warned. 

The SJB parliamentarian said that not only forests but the countries water ways and lagoons were also being destroyed. “During the Yahapalanaya Government, we implemented a program to reduce waste being channelled in to the Kelani River. State organisations were put in charge of monitoring it. However, this program has stopped now. Why is that? A similar situation is happening with the beautiful Lunawa Lagoon. We rehabilitated the lagoon with aid from Japan’s JICA agency. We got the LRDC and the Navy to protect the lagoon and stop commercial establishments from channelling waste to the lagoon. Today that program is not functional, the Lagoon is being damaged.”  

Wickramaratne stressed that those who serve the public cannot have commercial interests or engage in making profits using their positions of power. “Such acts create a conflict of interest. No person in the Cabinet or the Executive can engage in business. If the leader of the country can declare his assets, it would be an example for all other MPs to follow.”