30 years of APB

Tuesday, 4 December 2018 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A few pioneering, foresighted bankers laid the foundation as sponsors and founder members of the Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka (APB) and held its inaugural meeting in Colombo on 20 July 1988. Since that historical day in the annals of banking industry in Sri Lanka, the Association of Professional Bankers has grown from strength to strength and today stands out as the most represented organisation of banking professionals in the country. 

The APB, as it is popularly known, continues to function as a forum that brings together the leaders and the professionals of the banking industry and facilitates intellectual discussions on contemporary topics for the benefit of the banking industry and its members.

In this endeavour to meet its objectives APB engages in a series of events and issues periodic publications, providing continuous professional development to its members and young bankers through ‘Bankers Evening Forums’ that feature lectures and workshops by eminent and erudite personalities on the timely topics including latest industry trends, regulations, management practices, occupational health and self-development topics which have become very popular and much sought-after events by bankers. APB’s e-journals carry thought-provoking articles contributed by the membership, whilst the publications made through the Daily FT continues to be an important channel to reach out to the public at large.

The flagship event of the Association is the Annual Convention. The Annual Convention covers a theme of contemporary interest to the industry. Historically, APB conventions have seen eminent foreign and local resource persons sharing their knowledge and experience with the local banking community. Publication of an Anniversary Volume to coincide with the Annual Convention is a regular feature. This publication contains research articles contributed by eminent writers and invariably has become a valuable reference and a source of information to practicing bankers and students. 

In addition to the professional development activities, APB offers many social and networking opportunities to its members. The Annual Members’ Evening, quiz competitions and talent shows that brings forth hidden talents of bankers are some of the events that goes on to build lasting relationships within the banking community. 

The APB strives to maintain within the banking community, high standards of professionalism, ethics and good governance with integrity, as declared in its mission statement. APB admits its members based on prescribed criteria and membership applications require the prior approval of its Council prior to the admission as members. 

The APB continues to evolve year after year, understanding contemporary trends while upholding its deep-rooted principles and values.   

As professional bankers, APB recognizes the necessity of being updated and being abreast of ever-changing legal, compliance, technological and competitive landscapes. The Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka is in the forefront equipping practicing bankers with the knowledge and competencies required to meet these challenges. 

Full view of the activities and publications of Association of Professional Bankers – Sri Lanka can be obtained by visiting its website www.apbsrilanka.org.