AIA APAC Bancassurance Summit in Hong Kong: Shaping tomorrow’s banking partnerships

Monday, 8 January 2024 02:21 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

DFCC Bank CEO Thimal Perera speaking at the panel

From left: AIA Sri Lanka Partnership Distribution Director Senaka Rajapakse, DFCC Bank CEO Thimal Perera, AIA Sri Lanka CEO Chathuri Munaweera, AIA Group Regional Chief Executive Tan Hak-Leh, NDB Bank Senior VP Sanjaya Perera 

The recent AIA APAC Bancassurance Summit in Hong Kong made waves as industry leaders from across the region gathered together to explore the future of financial collaboration. Notable attendees from Sri Lanka who brought their insights to the forefront included DFCC Bank CEO Thimal Perera and NDB Bank Senior VP Sanjaya Perera joining AIA Sri Lanka CEO Chathuri Munaweera and AIA Sri Lanka Partnership Distribution Director Senaka Rajapakse.

With the theme “Pioneering the future of bancassurance,” the summit aimed to drive through leadership in scaling bancassurance to new heights. 

Throughout the summit, AIA highlighted its capabilities, positioning itself as a trusted partner for banks seeking to develop innovative, profitable, and digitally advanced bancassurance models. 

Notably, the event, which was the first physical gathering in this regard, hosted 100 high profile participants, including bank CEOs and members of senior management.  The sessions created excitement and commitment to co-create partnership strategies, leveraging leading-edge innovation, propositions, and technology. 

As the industry pioneers collectively navigate the evolving landscape, the AIA APAC Bancassurance Summit emerges as a pivotal platform shaping the future of bancassurance partnerships.

One of the key speakers at this prestigious event was DFCC Bank CEO Thimal Perera who contributed to a panel discussing innovative engagement and distribution models in bancassurance. 

The panel focused on addressing critical topics such as changing customer needs and overcoming challenges in the evolving banking landscape.