CIO Confluence 2023: Enterprise Digital Resilience on 21 February

Thursday, 26 January 2023 01:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Banks’ CIO Forum Chairman Prabath S. Wickramaratne
Conference Chair Gerald Wanigaratne

Banks’ Chief Information Officers Forum (BCIOF) of Sri Lanka, the largest C level forum in the banking and financial industry in Sri Lanka, recently announced their flagship event CIO Confluence 2023 themed ‘Enterprise Digital Resilience’ which will be held on 21 February 2023 at Hilton Colombo.

This year’s conference offers CIOs the opportunity to engage with both locally and internationally acclaimed industry experts who will share their ideas and insights under two main topics Resilient Digital Platforms and Driving Digital Dexterity. The conference will be attended by the high-level officials of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, CXOs and key decision makers of the banking industry, and prominent leaders from the ICT industry.

The conference also will hold two panel discussions moderated by two leading industry experts alongside with the expert presentations at the event.

The Bank’s CIO Forum Chairman Prabath S. Wickramaratne said: “The digitalisation has revolutionised the future of banking and the way it is perceived. The digital world will continue to challenge and force fundamental restructuring of banking. An increasing demand for a digital banking experience from millennials and Gen Zers will continue to influence the future of financial services around the world and how the entire banking industry operates.”

“Customers’ growing desire to access financial services from digital channels has led to a surge in new banking technologies that are reconceptualising the banking industry. We believe that institutions are fast recognising the need to adopt robust technologies in order to stay ahead and as such the role of the CIO is becoming increasingly important,” he further added.

The full day conference would be followed by a cocktail function creating opportunities for networking among the Banking and ICT fraternity.

South Asian Technologies Group has come onboard as the exclusive Platinum Sponsor while renowned brands such as Oracle, Fortinet, Cryptogen, IBM, and Linear 6 will be co-sponsors of the event. The exclusive print media partner is Daily FT.  The conference will be organised by The Events Workshop Ltd. under the leadership of Conference Chair and Pan Asia Banking Corporation PLC Deputy General Manager Information Technology/Chief Information Officer Gerald Wanigaratne.