KPMG Friday chat on ‘Top 10 things to consider when developing a Discounted Cash Flow model’

Tuesday, 25 May 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The KPMG Sri Lanka Academy is presenting the 18th virtual session of the ‘Friday Mid-Afternoon Chat’ series, a webinar on ‘Top 10 things to consider when developing a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) model’ conducted by KPMG in Sri Lanka Principal Advisory Ajantha Weerasekara.

KPMG in Sri Lanka Principal Advisory Ajantha Weerasekara

Its last Friday Mid-Afternoon Chat was focused on understanding the theoretical and economic justification of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method, which has laid the groundwork for the next session, which will focus attention on the key areas to be covered when actually building a financial model to carry out a DCF valuation. 

As DCF is a widely used valuation method, it is important to understand how to accurately carry out a DCF valuation. While the top 10 topics selected are basic, these are the areas a lot of common mistakes being done by the users are seen. Therefore, it is important to get a strong grasp of these fundamental areas of DCF valuations, for any finance professional who will have to carry out financial modelling and DCF valuations for various purposes.

The session is scheduled for 28 May (Friday) from 3 p.m. onwards.

For registrations contact Seneli on 074 061 0783 or [email protected].