SEC, CSE, and CFA Society Sri Lanka collaborate to host webinar on ‘Demystifying green bonds’

Monday, 28 November 2022 00:08 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

GIZ Advisor for Climate Change Sandeep Bhattacharya
Capital Market and Financial Consultant Hiran Mendis
CSE Senior Vice President – Trading Operations, Market Surveillance and Corporate Affairs Nilupa Perera
CFA Society Director/ Secretary Travis Gomez, CFA

Green bonds can help to achieve the goal of a low-carbon world, and cumulative issuances have already reached $ 1 trillion. As the market for green bonds continues to grow, investors need to understand how these instruments differ from traditional bonds.

Keeping the above in mind, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), and the CFA Society Sri Lanka collaborate to host a webinar on ‘Demystifying green bonds’ to be held on Wednesday, 30 November from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Sri Lankan time.

SEC Director General Chinthaka Mendis stated, “This webinar will help the participants to understand the concept of green bonds, green bonds framework in other markets, how one can distinguish between a listed green bond from that of a conventional bonds and case studies from different countries. The webinar will also address the proposed green bond framework and the way forward for the Sri Lankan market.

CSE CEO Rajeeva Bandaranaike noted that the topic is very timely as green bonds are an important development because they are a financial innovation designed to facilitate sustainable investing for institutional investors and this will help to progress in the Sri Lankan capital market with new financial instruments.

CFA Society Sri Lanka President Aruna Perera stated that the proliferation of green bonds will help in financing eco-friendly projects and technology, as well as attracting foreign investments due to the significant growth in the sustainable energy sector globally and this conversation is highly relevant.

GIZ Advisor for Climate Change Sandeep Bhattacharya will make a presentation on the theme of ‘Demystifying green bonds’. He works at enabling the flow of finance for assets that promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or the greater adaptation of climate-friendly policies. His notable assignments include co-designing and executing training workshops and other related events in collaboration with UNDP and CFA Society among others, publishing many relevant reports, on, designing a roadmap for green bonds to Indian Municipalities in an assignment with PWC and working to originate and also close transactions in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. These efforts have also resulted in publishing opinion pieces and articles, in various reputed Indian and international business newspapers, websites, and magazines.

Capital Market and Financial Consultant Hiran Mendis, and CSE Senior Vice President – Trading Operations, Market Surveillance and Corporate Affairs Nilupa Perera, are the panellists whilst CFA Society Sri Lanka Director/Secretary Travis Gomez, CFA will moderate the session.

Join the discussion to understand the key concepts in green bonds and how Sri Lanka’s capital market is being equipped to produce new financing products.