Activity dries up in secondary bond markets ahead of Budget speech

Friday, 20 November 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Wealth Trust Securities

Activity in secondary bond markets dried up yesterday ahead of the 2016 Budget speech (Second Reading of the Appropriation Bill) due today. 6

However, yields were seen edging up marginally in thin trade mainly on the 15 September 2019, 1 May 2020, 1 August 2021 and 1 September 2023 maturities to intraday highs of 8.73%, 8.88%, 9.02% and 9.30% respectively. 

Demand for secondary market Treasury bills continued with February 2016 maturities quoted within the range of 6.22% to 6.28%, April 2016 within 6.30% to 6.35% and May 2016 within 6.35% to 6.40%. In money markets, overnight call money and repo rates decreased marginally to average 6.30% and 6.04% respectively as surplus liquidity stood at high of Rs.138.44 billion.


Rupee stable

The rupee rate on spot contracts remained steady at Rs. 142.35/50 throughout the day as activity dried yesterday. The total USD/LKR traded volume for 18 November was $ 88.75 million. Some of the forward USD/LKR rates that prevailed in the market were: one month – 142.65/75; three months – 143.35/45; and six months – 144.70/85.