Beware of automatic teller machines

Wednesday, 5 February 2014 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

It is true that ATMs help people withdraw money at any time without having to wait in long queues at banks. However, more crimes and frauds have been committed through the use of ATMs. About a year ago, an ATM in Colombo was broken into and millions of money was robbed. Criminals, who watch people using ATMs, attack them later knowing very well that they have money in their possession.  An incident was reported where a criminal took a person at knife point and robbed the cash drawn from an ATM by force. Recently in India (Bangalore), a person had an ATM facility and attacked a lady with a knife and got away with her money after injuring her fatally. The following suggestions maybe considered for corrective action: nATM room door could be opened only when a card is inserted nNobody should be able to enter the room when a customer is already inside even by inserting his card nObservation cameras to be installed at ATM facilities (very important) nWhen the customer encounters difficulties in withdrawing money (say the PIN card is stuck), the bank officers should be contacted for corrective action. Never obtain help from anybody who will detect your PIN nNever allow anybody to stand next to you when you insert your card and withdraw money nAvoid lonely hours (very important) nIt is better to have armed guards, especially when an ATM is situated next to the bank nIt is better to have an alarm inside the room to obtain quick action if required nAny robberies and attacks should be reported to the police for immediate action Hope the public at large is benefitted by this information. S.R. Balachandran BSc. FCA, FCMA (Sri Lanka) Colombo 6