CA Sri Lanka’s ‘Finance for non-finance managers’ back due to overwhelming demand

Tuesday, 11 March 2014 00:58 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A specialised program on ‘Finance for non-finance managers’ launched in February this year by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) will make a comeback this month following overwhelming demand, due to its unique program outline which gives professionals from non-finance background, a thorough knowledge on finance, helping them with their day to day operations. The program titled ‘The Bottom Line’ and conducted by subject expert Hussain Moosajee teaches participants on how to apply the fundamentals of finance by helping them improve their budget management, increase potential profits, and asses the financial viability of projects  in today’s constantly changing business environment. The two day repeat program on 26 and 27 March 2014 will focus on the role of a finance division amidst other functional divisions, understanding financial accounting terminology, balance sheet terminology, capital vs. revenue expenditure, the accounting process, comprehensive understanding of the three types of financial statements, cost analysis, and in-depth emphasis on working capital management. The inaugural program received overwhelming response from the participants who termed ‘The Bottom Line’ program as a well-structured program which was a very useful course for non-financial managers. According to J.F. Migneault, Director Tracks Manufacturing of Loadstar, the program was a well structured program, with a good overview of the finance and accounting sector, which gave managers without a financial background, a thorough understanding on the subject. Himali De Silva, Director of Bettans Group said the program was very useful as it covered many areas while explaining key terms utilising real life problems as examples. According to Department of Public Enterprises Director R.M.P.S. Bandara, the Bottom Line program was very useful course for non-financial managers as it enhanced their knowledge on the subject which was important in today’s context.