HC issues enjoining order preventing DFCC Vardhana Bank from imposing parate execution

Monday, 17 February 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Commercial High Court of the Western Province issued an Enjoining Order against the Defendant DFCC Vardhana Bank preventing it from auctioning by way of parate execution  the properties owned by two Plaintiffs. High Court Judge Anura Ranasinghe issued the Enjoining order effective till 24 February preventing the parate execution which is a procedure special to banks, which allows the resale of property mortgaged to the bank. 1st Plaintiff Fathima Ruzana Fakurdeen who is the sole proprietor of the F.F.B. Mobiles is the wife of 2nd Plaintiff Zaruk Mohamed Fakurdeen. Both are partners of ‘Eat More’ Restaurants, Colombo. Farman Cassim with Charaka Jayaratne instructed by Lanka Dharmasiri appeared for the Plaintiffs. The Plaintiffs have obtained several mortgage facilities under the names of said businesses by mortgaging the said properties. Plaintiffs contend the resolution passed by the Defendant Bank consisted of two distinct properties situated in Grandpass and two different facilities and that the said resolution did not distinctly reflect the outstanding amount relevant to the individual mortgage bonds. They maintain the said resolution was in violation of Section 10 of the Recovery of Loans by Bank (Special Provisions) Act No. 4 of 1990 wherein inter alia the mortgage is permitted to appropriate the outstanding value and redeem the property mortgaged.