Lankaputhra Development Bank offers Laksaviya leasing with affordable instalments

Tuesday, 11 March 2014 00:56 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Now anyone can fulfil their dreams by taking a lease from Lankaputhra Development Bank who offers the lowest interest rates. Entrepreneurs, businessmen, professionals as well as self employed individuals can fulfil their dreams by obtaining a lease. Under this scheme a leasing can be obtained to purchase a registered or unregistered vehicles and plant and machinery. The repayment period for Laksaviya leasing is up to five years and it can be taken to purchase three wheelers, buses or to purchase luxury coaches used for tourism. In addition, Laksaviya leasing can be taken for those who engaged in agricultural projects, construction. Professionals, employees who are working in government or semi government sectors and the private sector can also obtain a leasing facility to purchase vehicles. Fast and speedy service, flexible/low instalment payment schemes, least amount of documents are some of the features of Laksaviya Leasing by Lankaputhra Development Bank. As a fully fledged government bank Lankaputhra development Bank was started to support the people engaged in building the local economy. The bank has initiated many projects for the benefit of the SME sector. To cater to the needs of children as well as young adults the bank has initiated many savings schemes with attractive interest rates. In addition the bank is also engaged in pawning. Lankaputhra Development Bank has branches in Colombo, Hambantota, Polonnaruwa, kegalle, Kandy, Wennappuwa, Batticaloa and Trincomalee.