Largest contingent to MDRT confab by Union Assurance

Tuesday, 5 March 2013 01:27 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Union Assurance (UA) yet again nominated a large contingent of 69 participants for the Million Dollar Round Table Experience (MDRT) International Conference held in February 2013.

MDRT membership is recognised internationally as the standard of sales excellence in the Life insurance industry. Founded in 1927, the MDRT is a leading international and independent Association of Financial Professionals where nearly 38,000 leading life insurance and financial experts of over 79 countries gather, share best practices and inspire each other. The conferences are also a source for discovering new ideas for sales excellence, product improvement and best practices in the field.

The commitment to a professional sales force is clearly evident from the continuous presence and representation of UA at all MDRT events. It is a clear expression of the commitment to business and service excellence which has been perfected throughout 25 years of steady operations in the country.

“It is a proud moment to know that over 69 out of 100 Sri Lankan participants at the MDRT Experience conference were representatives of Union Assurance. All of the professionals participating at MDRT 2013 have clearly made a mark in the Sri Lankan insurance industry, and have paved the way to motivate others to become the best of the best,” said Rukman Weeraratne, GM – Marketing and Life Distribution.

For service efficiency and enhancement, UA recently empowered a further 1,000 sales staff with laptop and tablet devices in an effort to strengthen its distribution efficiency. UA hopes to present laptops to its complete sales force in the near future. Providing convenient insurance solutions is the company’s focus and improving communications between insurance advisors in the field, customers and the organisation is the company’s goal.

By empowering the sales force on the field, the company also hopes to reinforce its promise of convenience in all its dealings with customers. The recently introduced Digital Advisor Toolkit (DAT), a tri-lingual application compatible for both laptops, tablets and smartphones was developed to assist the field force of UA who are now able to propose different insurance solutions and covers to their valued customers instantly, online.

UA supports a company-wide learning culture and emphasises on training and development to create world-class insurance professionals. An astounding 118 accolades were handed to UA staff at the Life Insurance and Market Research Association (LIMRA) awards ceremony 2012 where UA advisors and leaders were recognised for their outstanding performance in productivity, excellence in team management and growth of business. Prestigious LIMRA awards won on the night include the International Award for Productivity (IAP), International Quality Award (IQA) and International Quality Management Award (IQMA).

The Union Assurance brand is positioned on the promise of “trust” and strives to deliver this promise by being transparent, convenient and respectful when dealing with all stakeholders.