LB Finance Annual Report 2012/13 wins big

Thursday, 16 January 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

LB Finance PLC’s Annual Report for 2012/13 received Silver Awards at two of the most prestigious Annual Report awards ceremonies held recently. This included the coveted Silver Award at the CA Sri Lanka Annual Report Awards 2013 as well as a Silver Award at the international LACP Spotlight Awards 2013. The company’s Annual Report was awarded with a ‘Silver’ in the Finance Companies Category at the prestigious Annual Report Awards competition organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka). The glamorous event was held under the patronage of the Speaker of Parliament Chamal Rajapaksa while Dr. Indrajith Coomaraswamy was the Guest of Honour. This year’s competition which revolved around the inspiring theme ‘One Destination – Towards Integrated Reporting’ recorded the highest number of registrations in its 49 year history with a total of 126 companies vying for the coveted awards which promotes transparency and corporate governance. LB Finance Managing Director Sumith Adhihetty speaking after the awards ceremony said: “We are indeed proud in having received these two prestigious awards which reflects the company’s effectiveness in communication of financial and non-financial information to stakeholders and its strict compliance with legislative requirements and accepted accounting best practices.” LB Finance achieved yet another Silver Award, this time at the LACP Spotlight Awards 2013. The League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) was established in 2001 in the USA to create a forum that discusses ‘best in class’ practices whilst recognising those who demonstrate exemplary communications capabilities. LB Finance Head of Treasury Palitha Abeysekera said: “The Spotlight Awards process recognises and rewards outstanding annual reporting across the globe and this in itself speaks magnitudes of the company’s remarkable achievements.” LB Finance’s Annual Report for 2012/13 was themed ‘Partnering Your Life’ and emphasised on how the company has not only touched but successfully transformed the lives of many of its customers, through innovative and customer-focused products and services.