Melsta Regal Finance relocates Kandy branch, fitting the bill in Mahaiyawa

Monday, 16 November 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Melsta-Regal-Finance-Chairman-Amitha-Gooneratne-opening-the-relocated-Kandy-branchMelsta Regal Finance Chairman Amitha Gooneratne opening the relocated Kandy branch


Melsta Regal Finance Ltd. has re-positioned its Kandy branch to another location in the central city, giving their customers a more spacious and convenient service setting, in Mahaiyawa. The newly relocated branch at No. 206, Katugastota Road, Kandy has commenced business operations.

Melsta Regal Finance is a subsidiary company and boasts of a providential backing from one of Sri Lanka’s most diversified conglomerates, Melstacorp Ltd. From the inception the company had recognised the need of offering their existing as well as prospective customers with professional and innovative financial services that would be delivered expediently and efficiently. 

The relocation was ceremoniously observed and commemorated on 26 October by Melstra Regal Finance Ltd. Chairman Amitha Gooneratne with the presence of Melsta Regal Finance Ltd. Chief Executive Officer Nishaman Karunapala and joined by other business dignitaries and members of staff.

As Kandy itself has proved itself as a city with great potential, the relocation will no doubt set to offer customers from the surrounding areas with a complete range of financial solutions and services. The company also boasts of holding a position amongst the few financial companies in Sri Lanka to have secured an A+ Fitch Rating.  

“The new branch in Mahaiyawa, Kandy will enable Melsta Regal to reach out more efficiently to the immediate population in the area and provide existing and potential customers with an array of financial services including financial instruments offered by bank such as import facilities etc., all under one efficient roof. Maintaining a branch and overseeing its relocation especially in Kandy was vital to us since Kandy is highly regarded in the country today as a flourishing strategic hub,” said Melsta Regal Finance Ltd. CEO Nishaman Karunapala.

With seven branches already situated at strategic locations around the country including Kandy, Melsta Regal is set to foresee further branch expansions in the near future. The current seven branches comprise of offices in Negombo, Matara, Kiribathgoda, Kurunegala, Kegalle, Head Office in Colombo 02 and Kandy.

Another aspect to Melsta Regal Finance’s array of services is their exclusive approach towards providing customers with an experience that is second to none to that of any bank and poising themselves as a finance company that attributes the equivalence of trust and reliability any customer would be bound to familiarise with at a banking environment. Melsta Regal Finance thus strives to offer customers with a service that merges in the security of a bank and the affirmatives of a financial company. 

Melsta Regal Finance offers a service portfolio constituting of products and services such as leasing, 360 trade finance solution, import loans, micro leases, housing  loan schemes and factoring to name a few. Melsta Regal Finance is licensed by the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) under the Finance Business Act No. 42 of 2011.