Russell de Mel appointed to Singer Finance Board

Wednesday, 23 December 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Banking industry veteran Russell de Mel has been appointed to the Singer Finance (Lanka) PLC Board as an Independent Non Executive Director.fg

de Mel has been associated with Nations Development Bank (NDB) for over 30 years and retired as its Director and Group CEO in August 2013. Moreover prior to this appointment he also served as the Corporate Banking Group Head and Group Risk Management Head.

As Group CEO of NDB, he led many new initiatives, some being the rapid expansion of the branch network, linking livelihood development programs and micro financing and positioning NDB Group as a knowledge hub with focus to advisory services. These won may accolades from international magazines. He was also awarded a ‘Lifetime’ accolade by the International Finance Magazine, UK for his contribution to the banking sector.

Currently he serves as a member to the Board of Directors of Housing Development Finance Corporation, Maldives Islands and TAL Hotels Lanka PLC (Taj Samudra), EAP Holdings Pvt Ltd, EAP Films and Theatres Pvt Ltd and EAP Broadcasting Pvt Ltd. He is also a consultant to the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and a member of the World Bank Group.

Following the latest appointment the Board of Directors of Singer Finance PLC constitutes of Saman Kelegama (Chairman/ Non Executive Director), R.S Wijeweera (CEO/ Executive Director), M.A Tharmaratnam (Senior Independent Director),Jayendra A. Setukavalar, John Hyun (Non Executive Director), Gavin J. Walker (Non Executive Director), Joe Kan (Non Executive Director), Priyath Salgado (Non Executive Director), Russell de Mel (Independent Non Executive Director), Shyamsundar Ramanathan (Alternate Director), Janaka Mendis (Alternate Director), and P.J.P De Silva (Alternate Director).