SEC launches a new website and logo

Monday, 13 January 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) launched a new website and logo as part of SEC’s ongoing effort to enhance the quality and availability of information to existing and potential investors, local as well as regulators of other jurisdictions, listed companies, academics and students etc. The website and logo were launched by Senior Minister of International Monetary Cooperation and Deputy Minister of Finance and Planning Dr. Sarath Amunugama, in the presence of SEC Chairman Dr. Nalaka Godahewa and Officer in Charge/Deputy Director General Dhammika Perera.  The new website will provide comprehensive and up to date information on directives and circulars, SEC rules and regulations, market statistics and graphs. In addition, the Capital Market Development Road Map comprising of 10 key projects, which provide policy direction to develop the capital market as well as the current progress of the projects are be available on the SEC website. Given that the SEC logo had been designed over two decades ago the SEC felt the need to change its logo to better reflect the current regulatory and developmental role of the SEC.  The new logo has been designed to emit a very strong corporate feel and a strong brand presence.  The SEC is of the view that the new logo and website will enhance the visibility of the SEC and create a strong brand identity.