Seylan Bank Annual Report wins Gold, Silver and Bronze awards at international competitions

Wednesday, 18 November 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Seylan Bank 2014 Annual Report (‘It’s A Beautiful Performance’) won Gold, Silver and Bronze awards at the recently concluded ARC International Awards and League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) Vision Awards.1

The bank’s 2014 Annual Report won ‘Gold’ and ‘Bronze’ awards in the Banking Category at the ARC International Awards held recently. ARC Awards is one of the largest annual report award competitions in the world. This year, the ARC Awards received over 2,000 entries from 35 countries. This awards competition has been popularly dubbed as the ‘Academy Awards’ of annual reports.

The Bank’s 2014 Annual Report also claimed a Silver Award at the League of American Communications Professionals – Vision Awards. The Silver Award was won under the Banking Category - Commercial. This year’s LACP Vision Awards Competition drew over 1,000 entries representing 25 countries across the world.

The 2014 Annual Report (‘It’s A Beautiful Performance’) has been extremely transparent in terms of the strategies and action plans implemented together with their successes achieved by the bank since 2009. The 2014 Annual Report has been compiled based on an ‘Integrated Reporting Framework’.

Commenting on these awards, Ramesh Jayasekara, the Chief Financial Officer of Seylan Bank, said: “The Gold, Silver and Bronze awards won at the ARC International Awards and LACP Vision Awards is strong testament and recognition for the bank’s commitment towards responsible reporting to its stakeholders.”