Tapering of the US Quantitative Easing and the global impact

Wednesday, 22 January 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Sri Lanka-Italy Business Council of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce will be organising a breakfast meeting to discuss the US Federal Reserve’s move towards tapering of its Quantitative Easing program and its global impact. The Fed has cut monthly quantitative easing by $ 10 billion to $ 75 billion from January and has given hints that interest rates will be hiked in 2015. Is the global market well prepared? Former Commonwealth Secretariat Director Economic Affairs Division Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy will be holding this discussion on the 31 January 2014 at Hilton Colombo Residence at 8 a.m. The discussion will also contain the preview of the Fed Chair. Janet Yellen is the new chairperson of the Federal Reserve and is the first female leader in its 100 year history. For more information on the event contact the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce secretariat on Tel. 5588875 or email [email protected].