Tax course 2014 at CIMA

Wednesday, 22 January 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The popular annual Taxation Course organised by CIMA for its members and other professionals will commence on Sunday 2 February 2014. Modules for the course includes: income tax including amendments to date, value added tax (VAT), principles of double taxation and treatise, tax planning and , deferred taxation. New topics introduced this year are property transfer tax, share transaction levy, construction industry guarantee fund levy, PAL and advance tax concepts like transfer pricing, thin capitalisation and tax on Islamic financing.  Budget proposal 2014 and all acts up to No. 8 of 2012 will also be discussed. The taxation course which runs for ten Sundays attracts participants from various professions and from all parts of the island. Participants have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of Sri Lanka Taxation from experts in the industry. The main attraction of the course is the discussion in detail of the proposed amendments to the Inland Revenue Act brought in by Budget 2014.  Participants will have the opportunity to learn, interact and network with high officials from the Inland Revenue and KPMG Sri Lanka and like minded individuals who attend the course. Most sought after speakers in the field such as Mervyn Weerasooriya, former Commissioner General, Department of Inland Revenue; Dhammika Gunatilleke, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Inland Revenue/Tax Advisor Ministry of Finance;  Suresh R.I. Perera, Principal Tax and Regulatory, KPMG Sri Lanka and Uditha De Zoysa, Director, KPMG Sri Lanka will comprise the faculty. Registrations for the program are now open and more details and registration form could be obtained by contacting CIMA via email on [email protected].