TMC anniversary on 18 Feb 2014

Monday, 3 February 2014 00:41 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Management Club will celebrate their 12th Anniversary on 18 February at the Premier Lounge Banquet Hall at 6 p.m. All members will be invited to grace this special occasion in the midst of sponsors and invitees. The program will commence with a welcome address and a WAY FORWARD 2014 for The Management Club. Members representing clubs in Colombo, Mount Lavinia, Kalutara/Moratuwa, Negombo and ETD (CSR program Enable the Disabled) CMI Executive Committee, will all be invited to participate. The event will be followed by Cocktails and fellowship. The Management Club was inaugurated on 14 Feb 2002 at the Galle Face Hotel by the then British High Commissioner Linda Duffield. Having begun with its first Club as TMC Galle Face (now renamed TMC Colombo) and progressed in the following years to Mount Lavinia, Kalutara, Negombo, Panadura, and now constitutes an overall membership in excess of 400. The membership can look forward to an evening of camaraderie, with exquisite food, drinks and music amongst fellow members, and an opportunity to meet, greet, and exchange views and ideas. Invitations to this event will soon be sent to the entire membership, and would be free of charge provided the members confirm their participation on or before 10 Feb by email to [email protected] or by text to 0718 162162, giving their names. Members’ spouse or one guest of their choice will be admitted at Rs. 2,000. So there you are members! Make a note in your diary, confirm your presence fast (don’t wait for the last minute.