UB Finance Company relocates Tissamaharama branch

Friday, 28 February 2014 00:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

UB Finance Company Ltd., a subsidiary of Union Bank of Colombo PLC, passed another significant milestone with its newly expanded and refurbished Tissamaharama Branch located at No.163, Kachcheriagama Tissamaharama, on 20 February. This new spacious branch premises provides its clients easy access and allows customers to experience a comfortable environment to carry out their financial transactions. At the opening ceremony, UB Finance Chief Executive Officer Ransith Karunaratne commended the recent infrastructure developments that have taken place in the Tissamaharama and surrounding areas and encouraged the community to take advantage of these developments to further enhance their economic status. He stressed on the company’s focus to consistently deliver on its brand promise of providing its customers the versatility of a finance company backed by a bank and invited the community of Tissamaharama and its fast developing suburbs to join hands with UBF which is ready to partner this growth. Karunaratne further stated that UBF is working towards an aggressive expansion drive which is focused to leverage on the growth areas identified in the ‘Mahinda Chinthana’ and is optimistic about the future, and plans to open its next branch in the hill capital city of Kandy in March. UBF offers its valued customers a wide range of customised and personalised financial solutions including investment solutions such as fixed deposits and savings; financial solutions in the form of leasing, hire purchase, term loans and gold loans as well as working capital solutions through factoring.