Union Assurance urges public to reassess value of their lives

Wednesday, 5 February 2014 00:01 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Union Assurance has embarked on its ‘Life Value Discovery Week 2014,’ where the company’s 4,000-strong Personal Financial Advisor (PFA) cadre will spend one dedicated week educating the public on the different roles each and every individual plays to the ones they love – and how best to stay protected for their benefit. “The Life Value Discovery Week is a strategic attempt to touch the lives of the public, each person who plays a different role – such as a father or mother, a mentor, a teacher and even a friend. Each person plays these roles and should be adequately protected to continue to do so – ultimately contributing to the society as a whole,” explained Rukman Weeraratne, General Manager – Marketing and Life Distribution. UA has therefore taken steps to urge the public to reassess the value of their lives and the impact they create towards their loved ones and society at large. The company’s well designed products identify the need for comprehensive and affordable insurance solutions that cater to families and individuals, helping them to manage their financial needs, investments, protection and healthcare proactively. “Our PFAs are equipped with the latest technology and knowledge to provide the best in insurance solutions and promise to do so in the most convenient manner possible,” said Susantha Abeytunga, Assistant General Manager – Life Distribution. “Our aim is to touch as many lives as possible and to spread the understanding of the importance of life insurance in a simple manner.” UA operations on a solid and consistent 26 year record of accomplishment, with141 locations and over 5,000 employees and field staff touching the lives of half a million Sri Lankans. The company has maintained an impressive record as far as its financial performance goes. UA ensures the delivery of its brand promise of ‘Trust’ by providing customers with transparent and convenient solutions, while respecting the needs of all stakeholders. UA’s ‘Life Value Discovery Week 2014’ is being conducted from 3-8 February 2014 island-wide.