16 years RI for income tax assessor

Wednesday, 6 December 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By T. Farook Thajudeen

The Colombo High Court yesterday sentenced an income tax assessor to 16 years’ rigorous imprisonment for accepting a bribe of Rs. 25,000 from a grocery shop owner.

High Court Judge Vickum Kaluarachchi, upon the conclusion of the trial, observed that the convict was guilty of the charge of soliciting and accepting a bribe of Rs. 25,000 from the complainant under duress.

The convict, Abdul Gaffoor Mohamed Lafir, was handed a sentence of 16 years’ rigorous imprisonment to run within a period of four years by the judge.

The convict was further fined Rs. 25,000. 

Assistant Director (Legal) Thushari Dayaratne of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery and Corruption prosecuted during the High Court trial.