Another FR case against Delimitation Gazette

Tuesday, 5 December 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


A fresh fundamental rights (FR) petition was filed yesterday in the Supreme Court against the delimitation of the Ambagamuwa local government area in the Nuwara Eliya District.

The motion, filed by a former member of the Ambagamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha, claims that the division of the Ambagamuwa local government area creating three separate divisions - Ambagamuwa, Maskeliya and Norwood - by the recently concluded delimitation process has caused a grave injustice to residents. 

Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government Faiszer Musthapha, the Secretary to the ministry and members of the Elections Commission have been named as respondents in the petition. 

There are two more cases being heard in Court against the new local government elections law where a number of state sector employees working as field officers have petitioned against the prohibition imposed on running for local government in their duty area. 

However, Election Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya said that since there were no standing orders taken by any of the petitioners, the two cases that are now being heard will pose no hurdle to holding the local government polls.