Cabinet approves continuation of Samurdhi welfare payments

Tuesday, 1 August 2023 03:34 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • State Finance Minister Shehan Semasinghe says State banks to remain open today, allowing individuals to open ‘Aswesuma’  bank accounts

State Finance Minister Shehan Semasinghe

State Finance Minister Shehan Semasinghe announced yesterday that the Cabinet has approved a proposal to continue providing Samurdhi welfare payments to 393,094 recipients who were disqualified for the ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefit program. 

The decision comes as part of the Government's efforts to support vulnerable communities during challenging times.

Currently, there are 1.28 million families receiving Samurdhi benefits, out of which 887,653 families have qualified for the ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefits. 

The President’s proposal to reinstate welfare payments to disqualified recipients was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers yesterday, reflecting the government's commitment to ensuring social welfare for those in need.

The process of reviewing appeals and objections received against the beneficiaries' list is ongoing and will be followed by the acceptance of new applications once the procedures are completed. 

The State Minister emphasised that the Government aims to reach 2 million families eligible for ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefits after considering appeals and objections.

Currently, over 1.79 million families are eligible to receive ‘Aswesuma’ welfare benefits, with 9,046,612 of them newly admitted to the welfare beneficiaries list. The Government's focus on expanding the welfare program aims to provide support to a larger number of vulnerable households across the country.

The State Minister assured that the payments for elderly, sick, and disabled individuals will continue as before. Semasinghe said the elderly allowances can be obtained through post offices, while kidney patients and disability allowances will be delivered through regional secretariats.

Furthermore, the Government is committed to ensuring that welfare beneficiaries living in elderly homes, children's homes, disability centers, and the clergy will continue receiving their benefits without any disruptions.

The State Minister urged beneficiaries included in the list to open relevant bank accounts promptly to facilitate smooth payment processing. Currently, around one million people have already submitted their account details, and those remaining are requested to do so at the earliest.

In a bid to accommodate beneficiaries' needs, the State Minister announced that State banks will remain open on today (1), despite being a Poya Day, allowing individuals to open ‘Aswesuma’ bank accounts conveniently.