Constitutional Council rejects extension of Attorney General’s term

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 00:20 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


General Sanjay Rajaratnam

The Constitutional Council yesterday rejected President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s proposal to extend the term of Attorney General Sanjay Rajaratnam, PC by another six months. 

The decision was made during a meeting held yesterday in Parliament, chaired by Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena. Despite the President’s recommendation, the Council voted against the extension.

In recent weeks, the proposal to extend AG Rajaratnam’s term has faced significant opposition. 

Critics argued that such an extension could undermine the principles of judicial independence and accountability.

Attorney General Rajaratnam’s tenure has been marked by various high-profile legal proceedings and decisions. Legal experts say rejection of the extension indicates the Council’s commitment to maintaining a standard tenure for key legal positions and upholding Constitutional norms.

They added that the decision reflects a broader debate on governance and the rule of law, underscoring the importance of adhering to established procedures and timelines for public office appointments.