Cricket Selection Committee Chief hints of conspiracy for poor performance

Saturday, 11 November 2023 01:13 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Sri Lanka’s Cricket Selection Committee Chairman Pramodya Wickramasinghe hinted of a conspiracy for the poor performance of the Sri Lanka national team at the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup in India.

Speaking to reporters after the arrival of the national team to Colombo yesterday, Wickramasinghe assured he would reveal details of everything that went on with the Sri Lanka team at the World Cup, after the next two days. Sri Lanka finished ninth out of ten teams in the World Cup with two wins and seven losses from nine matches and failed to gain a place to play in the 2025 Champions trophy in Pakistan.

Wickramasinghe further expressed regret over the performance of the team and the losses faced in the tournament.

“We didn’t perform well. The reason for this and why we failed to perform well will be revealed by me after two days,” he said.

Stating that he would take responsibility for the poor performance of the team, Wickramasinghe said it is all due to a conspiracy, assuring that he would reveal details regarding it and those behind it.

“What you see is a result of a conspiracy of a particular group. Details regarding this will be revealed after two days. I need time to first understand what has happened in our absence from the country after which I will address the media and reveal the necessary details,” he said.