Denmark to increase investments in Sri Lanka

Friday, 15 December 2023 00:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Danish Ambassador Freddy Svane with Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena 

Danish Ambassador Freddy Svane yesterday called on Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena to exchange views on bilateral ties and development cooperation between Sri Lanka and Denmark.

The New Delhi-based Ambassador said that yesterday he took part in the opening of an electronics production factory of a major Danish company, GPV Group A/S of Copenhagen, that would provide over 1,000 employment opportunities. He said many investors in Denmark are willing to invest in the power sector, deep sea fishing, mechanised boat production and other projects.     

The Prime Minister briefed him on the current economic development in the country, including the progress made on the IMF package. He thanked Denmark for the trust and confidence placed by Denmark by encouraging investments and for the support given as a member of the Paris Club to assist in Sri Lanka’s efforts in reviving its economy.

They also discussed the initiative of expanding SAGT with Maersk activities in Sri Lanka for logistics hub/consolidation. Maersk is in the process of developing the consortium with possible Japanese funding.

The Prime Minister also urged Denmark to facilitate the increase of cinnamon and other spices imports from Sri Lanka.

Secretary to the Prime Minister Anura Dissanayake and Consular Officer of Danish Consul General Office Ruchi de Silva also attended the meeting.