Egyptian Ambassador explores bilateral trade and investment opportunities in SL

Saturday, 13 January 2024 01:19 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: Board of Investment Director-General Renuka Weerakone, State Minister of Investment Promotion Dilum Amunugama and Egyptian Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives Maged Mosleh

The Egyptian Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives Maged Mosleh paid a courtesy call to the State Minister of Investment Promotion Dilum Amunugama. 

The focus of their meeting revolved around the expansion of bilateral trade and investment opportunities between Egypt and Sri Lanka. 

Egypt ranks as the 50th export destination, where Sri Lanka supplies key products such as desiccated coconut, tea, pneumatic and retreated rubber tires and tubes, knitted fabrics, woven fabrics, men’s apparels transport equipment, desiccated coconut and cartons, boxes, and paper related products. 

Recently a group of Sri Lankan entrepreneurs have invested in Egypt and attention was paid to develop it further. The discussions emphasised the mutual interest in expanding the opportunities for development in trade, investment and other areas. It was also agreed on ensuring equal benefits through the economic growth of the two countries. 

The Ambassador highlighted the Eastern Province as an attractive destination for tourism sector investments, echoing insights from an Egyptian investor’s perspective. 

Sri Lanka Board of Investment Director General Renuka Weerakoon also participated in this meeting.