Gale force winds create havoc

Thursday, 30 November 2017 01:21 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Gale force winds, the eminency of which the Metrological Department denied earlier this week, created havoc last night in several parts of the country. 

At the time of this edition going to print several houses were damaged in Galle, Matara, Badulla and Nuwara Eliya due to strong winds. The naval and fishing communities were advised to refrain from engaging in fishing and naval activities around the country as the wind speed will increase up to 70-80 kmph in all coastal areas.

The Disaster Management Centre warned the wind speed could increase up to 90-100 kmph at times.

Falling trees and power failures were reported in several areas last night. 

Issuing a bad weather warning at 8.00 p.m. yesterday, the Meteorology Department said heavy rains, strong winds and rough seas would be expected during the next 12 hours.

It said the depression was now located in the southwest of Sri Lanka and expected to develop further and move away from the island.

“Heavy rains and strong winds of about 80 kmph are expected over the island particularly in Southern and South-Western areas. Heavy rainfall can be expected in some places in the Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Central, Uva and Western Province. Heavy rainfall above 100 mm can be expected at places elsewhere,” it said.

The public was advised to remain vigilant as strong winds are experienced in the Western, Southern, Uva and Central provinces. Motorists on the Southern Expressway were requested by the Road Development Authority to limit their speed to 60 kmph due to heavy rain and strong winds.