Govt. has begun new chapter of public deception charges: Sajith

Thursday, 10 November 2022 02:20 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Accuses Govt. of not having a plan to rebuild the country
  • Demands for assurances made to IMF be revealed in Parliament
  • Says Govt. creating illusion that SL can be developed by shrinking its economy
  • Blasts Govt. for fishing for Opposition MPs amidst chaos

Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa yesterday charged in Parliament that the Government has begun a new chapter of public deception while no reasonable steps are being taken to rebuild the country.

“They (Government) are holding meetings and delivering speeches but while the country is now going astray. The Government it appears has no program to rebuild the country,” the Samagi Jana Balawegaya Leader claimed.

“The children are passing out in schools due to malnutrition. The Government is taking action against officials revealing such incidents,” he added.

SJB Leader also demanded the Government reveal to Parliament the assurances it has given to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He opined that the Government has no plan to save the country from bankruptcy. “Even though the policies of the International Monetary Fund have changed, it is a matter of regret and tragedy that the harsh policies of the Government have not changed,” he said.

Premadasa also accused the Government of fishing for MPs from various other political parties amidst all the chaos. “However, no one from the SJB will join this short-sighted Government,” he noted.

The Opposition leader said that the Government full of political jealousy and hypocrisy is unable to build the country. “But the ministerial positions of the Government are increasing by the day. They are now presenting an illusion that the country will be built by shrinking the economy,” Premadasa added.


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