IMF representatives call on Opposition leader 

Tuesday, 26 September 2023 00:44 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The visiting International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation called on Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa at his office yesterday. 

The purpose of the meeting was to engage in a discussion concerning the ongoing progress of the agreement reached between the IMF and the Government. The high-level gathering saw an extensive exchange of views on a wide array of economic, social, and political matters. A pivotal focus of the discussion centred on the existing agreement between the Government and the IMF. Premadasa took the opportunity to underscore the impact of the Government’s policies on the employees’ provident fund (EPF) of the working people through the restructuring of domestic debt. Premadasa pledged that, should the Samagi Jana Balawegaya come to power, his administration would re-evaluate the current agreement and strive to forge a new deal that prioritises the interests of the people, while simultaneously implementing measures aimed at economic recovery. 

Representing the IMF were Senior Mission Chief Peter Breuer, Deputy Mission Chief Katya Svirydzenka, IMF Resident Representative Dr. Sarwat Jahan, Communications Department Lan Huong Vu and Economic Analyst Manavee Abeyawickrama. 

Opposition MPs including Dr. Harsha de Silva, Kabir Hashim, Prof. G.L. Peiris, Velu Kumar Harshana Rajakaruna and Dr. Nalaka Godahewa also participated in the discussions.