JVP to launch wave of protests to drive out Pro-Rajapaksa Govt.

Saturday, 20 August 2022 01:16 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Says Govt. attempting to scare people through repression
  • Demands Govt. release all protestors immediately
  • Party will lead wave of protests against Govt. starting today 

By Maneshka Borham 

Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) General Secretary Tilvin Silva says the party unequivocally condemns Thursday’s brutal attack launched by the Police on protestors of the Inter-University Students Federation. “It was the right to peacefully protest guaranteed by the country’s Constitution that was attacked by a battalion of Policemen that appeared to be prepped for war,” he said. 

Silva made these comments at a press briefing held yesterday at the Party’s headquarters in Pelawatta. 

According to him, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, appointed by Pro-Rajapaksa elements, is continuously repressing the people. “Instead of attempting to resolve the many issues faced by the country today, Wickremesinghe is keener on instilling fear in the people who are asking for solutions and relief,” he said. He accused the Government of attempting to repress students, fishermen, protestors of the citizen’s struggle and even the media. 

“He is protecting the Rajapaksas. He is repressing even peaceful protests while appearing to be liberal and democratic,” Silva added. Silva said the JVP demands the Government to stop all forms of repression it is unleashing on the people. 

He warned that if the Government fails to do so, it will only give rise to another significant uprising of the people. “Wickremesinghe will have to leave the same way Gotabaya Rajapaksa did,” he said. 

Silva said JVP also demands the Government to release all protestors arrested recently, including the IUSF Convenor Wasantha Mudalige. 

Despite not having a people’s mandate to remain in power, Silva said instead of resolving the issues faced by the people, Wickremesinghe is attempting to solidify his hold on power together with the Rajapaksa faction. He also said given the situation other people’s uprising against the Government is likely in the near future. 

“The people have a right to drive out this Government that has no mandate. The JVP along with the National People’s Power is ready to lead the effort. The party will commence a wave of protests calling for the current Government to step down from today,” he said. “The Government must be shown the power of the people and be forced to dissolve the current Parliament, allowing the people to choose a Government of their choice,” he added. 

The first of the protests by the party calling for the dissolution of Parliament and elections will commence today from the Wijerama Junction at 2.30 p.m.