Key insights to cyber security at Daily FT-CICRA Summit today

Thursday, 12 October 2023 00:20 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The ninth annual full-day Cyber Security Summit organised by the Daily FT in partnership with CICRA Holdings Ltd., will be held today at host venue Cinnamon Grand, Colombo.

A flagship event in Sri Lanka’s cybersecurity calendar, the summit brings together international and local experts to share key insights to the threat of cyber crime and strategies and solutions available to secure organisations and individuals.

The summit is already sold out and expected to draw over 300 IT and risk management professionals, and employees as well as university students pursuing careers in IT. 

A well-attended CEOs Breakfast Forum was successfully held yesterday under the theme “Is Cyber Security the Next Crisis?” as a precursor for the summit.

This year’s full-day summit will focus on three critical areas: Payment Card Industry Data Protection, Cloud Security, and Zero Trust. Justice, Prisoners Affairs and Constitutional Reforms Minister Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe will inaugurate the summit.

Key thought leaders include Visa India and South Asia Head of Risk Services Vipin Suralia, Huawei Cloud APAC Director, Public Sector Roy Chen Qi, Google Cloud Security Regional Lead Anubhav Wahie, PCI Security Standard Council Regional Director, South Asia and MEA Nitin Bhatnagar, Cyber Security evangelist and EC Council Master Trainer Belly Rachadianto and Brandix Chief Operating Officer, Digital Transformation Oshada Senanayake.

The summit will also feature a host of experts as panellists. A session on “Navigating the Landscape of Data Security” will see Central Bank Director Payments and Settlements Department K.V.K. Alwis, Lanka Clear Chief Information Security Officer Chamath Algawatta, and WEBXPAY Founder/CEO Omar Sahib.

The panellists for the session on “Strategies and Best Practices for Robust Cloud Security” are NCINGA Chief Information Security Officer Aruna Malalasena, Ceylon Biscuits Ltd. Chief Information Officer/Chief Architect Keshan Dayaratne, and Visa Country Manager, Sri Lanka and Maldives Avanthi Colombage.

The session on “Implementing a Comprehensive And effective Zero Trust Security Strategy” will feature Commercial Bank Chief Information Officer and CBC Tech Solutions Ltd. Managing Director Sumudu Gunawardhana, Just In Time Group CTO Neranjan Dissanayake, and Cyber Security Advocate and Talos Consulting Ltd. Managing Director Asela Waidyalankara.

Over the years, the Annual Cyber Security Summit has played a pivotal role in raising cyber security awareness and resilience in Sri Lanka. It has evolved into a crucial platform, engaging a broader spectrum of professionals beyond IT experts. Its impact is further amplified by extensive media coverage, making it a go-to event for cyber security discussions.

Strategic partners of the summit are Visa and Huawei. Official Payment Network is LankaPay, Official finance company partner People’s Leasing and Finance PLC, Knowledge partners PCI Security Standards Council and ISC2 Chapter Sri Lanka, Creative Partner Mullenlowe and Hospitality partner Cinnamon Grand.

Summit co-host CICRA is a leading cyber security training and consultancy company, and Daily FT, the country’s premier business paper. Together, these partners have consistently elevated the summit to its current prominence, solidifying its status as a cornerstone event in the field of cyber security within Sri Lanka.