Massive token strike today to buttress anti-Rajapaksa protest

Thursday, 28 April 2022 00:29 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Aims to pressure Gotabaya Rajapaksa-led Government to step down
  • Calls for pragmatic and viable solutions to national crises irrespective of party politics
  • Hundreds of unions covering vast range of sectors – health, ports, electricity, banks, railways, education, customs, postal, manufacturers and all semi-Government services will engage in collective protests

By Charumini de Silva

Multiple public and private sector unions covering the entire country will engage in a token strike today, in a bid to pressure the Gotabaya Rajapaksa-led Government to step down, whilst calling for pragmatic and viable solutions to the national crises irrespective of party 


Hundreds of unions covering a vast range of sectors including; health, ports, electricity, banks, railways, education, customs, postal, manufacturers and all semi-Government services will engage in joint protests demanding the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa-led Government.

Employers’ Federation of Ceylon (EFC) Director-General Mangala Yapa said discussion held with Inter Company-Employees Union (ICEU) President Wasantha Samarasinghe confirmed trade union action 

planned today.

“We mentioned our concerns on smooth functioning of our member establishments and the entire mercantile sector, which have already been adversely affected by the current economic crisis,” he said in a circular sent to EFC members.

He said it was agreed the employers, in consultation with their respective employees and trade unions at branch level, will continue with essential services.

“We advise our members, where necessary, to engage in a dialogue with the employees or relevant branch unions and arrive at a suitable arrangement to ensure continuity of their respective operations,” Yapa said.

Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA) said members of its sister unions representing all State universities will refrain from attending regular duties, in solidarity with other trade unions on the token strike today.

“FUTA stands in solidarity with those who call for change. This crisis arose through systematic neglect by the Government and its failure to address the basic needs of the people during these very trying times. 

“The fallout from this crisis has been particularly felt by those who are already vulnerable and marginalised. We are keen to participate in conversations, collaborations and protests that can help us collectively overcome the current crisis. We are committed to building a society that upholds social justice, pluralism, democracy, equality and freedom,” they said.

Ceylon Bank Employees’ Union said they also support the token strike today. Thus, member banks notified its customers that there could be disruptions to banking services at countrywide branches.

Several banks notified in their official websites on the list of branches that will be kept open for business, to provide ‘only’ urgent and essential services.

Customs Officers’ Union said in solidarity of the people’s struggle they too will stage a protest in front of Sri Lanka Customs at 12:45 p.m. today.

Around 50% of hospitals and health workers will also join the strike, while assuring that services at hospitals will however not be affected. Health workers on duty will be dressed in black. 

Many of the health sector protests and marches will be held opposite all hospitals countrywide from noon today.

Government Nursing Officers Association (GNOA) President Saman Rathnapriya said the Government has proven its failure to run the country. 

“Today the public, trade unions and various political groups are calling for the immediate resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and MPs,” he added.

He said the GNOA will engage in a two-hour protest opposite hospitals from 12 noon till 2 p.m.

A large-scale protest rally organised by the Railway Trade Union Alliance (RTUA) is scheduled to be held at noon opposite the Fort Railway Station. 

In addition, several other trade unions are planning to march from several locations such as the Lipton Circus in Colombo to the Galle Face protest site.

The Ceylon Electricity Board Employees Union General Secretary Ranjan Jayalal said they will not engage in any trade union action that will burden the public, but if there will be any breakdown in the National Grid within the day, they will not attempt to reconnect services.

He also called on the public to refrain from paying electricity bills today as they will not accept payments.