No MP’s phone was tapped: Bond Commission

Tuesday, 21 November 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The Presidential Commission of Inquiry on the bond issuance yesterday made a special statement in response to remarks made by various parties concerning telephone conversations said to have taken place between Perpetual Treasuries Ltd. Former Director Arjun Aloysius and a number of parliamentarians.

Commission Chairman Justice K.T. Chitrasiri stressed that the entire process was based on the data found on devices belonging to Aloysius and Former CBSL Governor Arjuna Mahendran obtained lawfully and that no telephone records of any Member of Parliament was obtained nor examined.

“The contents of any conversations or communications were not obtained and have not been produced in evidence before us,” said Justice Chitrasiri.

“The claims that the telephones of several Members of Parliament and other persons have been ‘tapped’ or recorded in the course of this examination are utterly false,” he added. (HK)