Political parties call for immediate P’ment sessions

Friday, 5 January 2018 00:15 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • Seek to expedite legal proceedings of bond scam, debate PCOI report in Parliament


By Skandha Gunasekara

Political parties yesterday called on Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to convene Parliament at the earliest possible date to expeditiously pass new laws required to prosecute those involved in the Central Bank bond scam.

UPFA General Secretary Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, addressing a media briefing at the SLFP headquarters yesterday, said that the SLFP had requested Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to convene the first session of Parliament for the year as soon as possible. 

“We have requested that Parliament be convened on an early date so that the House can debate the report of the Presidential Commission that probed the Central Bank bond scandal,” the Minister said. 

Minister Amaraweera went on to note that the masses had lost faith in presidential commissions of inquiry as numerous such commissions had been appointed in the past to hide or whitewash various issues. 

“Past governments have appointed many commissions to carry out investigations but none of them have been followed through. The reports of some them haven’t even been produced. Other commissions have produced reports but no legal action was taken. Today we see a change in this culture. The President’s statement clearly shows that he is willing to take action against those who break the law. The people can now regain faith in these commissions and their mandate.”

He went on to say that groups are being formed on various platforms, particularly social media, to sling mud at President Sirisena, who saw his reputation being restored following the statement he made to the country this week.

“The masses see President Sirisena in a new light. They know now for certain that he is committed to good governance and democracy. However, organised groups have already begun slinging mud at the President, seeking to tarnish his image once again.”

Meanwhile, JVP Propaganda Secretary Vijitha Herath, speaking at a news conference at the JVP headquarters yesterday, said they too had made a similar request to Speaker Jayasuriya. 

“The first session of Parliament for the year is scheduled for 23 January but we have requested that Parliament be convened as soon as possible. The President stated that new laws would be needed to prosecute those involved in the bond scam therefore we demand that Parliament be convened so that new laws could be passed and the culprits prosecuted.  The people have no use for reports alone. Legal action is what the masses are demanding.”

Professor G.L. Pieris, a key figure in the Joint Opposition, told the Daily FT yesterday that the Joint Opposition was not fooled by the President’s attempt to deflect blame on to others and asserted that Parliament should debate the matter as soon as possible.

“What the President is trying to do is distance himself from the scandal and blame the Prime Minister and UNP, when in reality he is as much to blame as the Prime Minister, even more so. The Joint Opposition is calling for the immediate reconvening of Parliament.”