President censures beer price reduction

Tuesday, 5 December 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Ashwin Hemmathagama – Our Lobby Correspondent

President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday toasted Budget 2018 as development-oriented but was less cheerful about the proposal to levy taxes on the basis of the strength of alcohol, which would see a reduction in beer prices, pointing out that this would be against national policy. 

 Joining the Committee Stage Debate of the 18th allotted day of the Appropriation Bill 2018, President Sirisena commended Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Dr. Rajitha Senaratne for giving keen leadership in Sri Lanka to create a healthy nation.

However, President Sirisena insisted that the Government would continue to work to prevent drugs from entering the country. “I don’t think it is good to give any benefits to beer or any other drugs through a Budget in order to collect revenue. We should not strengthen our economy through drug sales. We should also reject imported cigarettes as well,” he said, adding that measures against alcohol and cigarettes were the reasons the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised Sri Lanka for its results-oriented approach to combat alcohol and drug abuse. 

The President, highlighting a verse from the Dhammapada, stated that health was the ultimate profit, which was common to all. “The Buddha preached Arōgyā Paramā Lābhā. The free health services and free education guaranteed under the Unity Government has enabled people not only to be healthy but also be spiritually developed. As a nation, we all should be happy about the success gained during the last three years. Minister Senaratne is lucky to have a freehand over his ministry, which I didn’t have during my days. He has my fullest blessings to attain all goals,” he said.

Revealing his struggles to execute his duties as a Minister while in the Rajapaksa administration, the President said: “My blessing is with all the ministers of this Unity Government and they are to work freely and independently. The Unity Government has delivered more than the Rajapaksa administration. When I was the Minister of Health in the Rajapaksa administration all that I could allocate was Rs. 1.5 million per cancer patient. Now we have changed this and there is no limitation on the allocations we have for a cancer patient. Adding more to it, we have good doctors, nurses and other sectors in the healthcare service. Their contribution has led the World Health Organisation to commend Sri Lanka’s efforts,” he added.

Sirisena visited China soon after assuming office in 2015. In fact it was his first foreign trip. During the trip he managed to build a good bilateral relationship between the two countries where the Chinese Government, responding to one of his requests, pledged to build the largest renal hospital in the island, which is scheduled to be declared open this month in Polonnaruwa.

“The Government of China has donated a renal hospital at the cost of Rs. 12 billion. This is a result of my visit to China in 2015. We were able to enter into an MoU with Australia and I think we should be able to see the results of it soon. I received donations for the campaign when I was the common candidate. I didn’t want to spend it on posters but have used it for a different purpose. I have built establishments to provide accommodation for those who accompany patients to hospitals,” said President, expressing his commitment to a better tomorrow.

Moving on to other sectors that made a mark in developing the country, the President commended the Minister of Housing and Construction Sajith Premadasa for his contribution to provide a house for all. While appreciating the Budget proposals of Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera, the President pledged that the Unity Government would continue to work for the betterment of Sri Lankans.

“Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Government will continue to do all that is possible to uplift the lives of ordinary citizens and improve their living standards. 2018 was themed the year to produce more local foods,” added the President.