Sajith promises better times for Indian investments in SL under his Presidency

Monday, 10 June 2024 01:53 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Highlights plan to engage with India’s top 500,000 firms
  • Encourages existing investors to bring friends and partners who are yet to take a chance on SL 
  • Pledges to act as catalyst and facilitator for valuable investments

SJB leader Sajith Premadasa

Opposition leader and Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) leader Sajith Premadasa on Thursday urged top Indian companies to invest in Sri Lanka, promising stability and growth if he wins the upcoming Presidential election. 

Premadasa’s pitch assured potential investors that his administration would create a favourable business environment.

“Although it may seem like there is a lot of darkness, we aim to create a silver lining in a few more months,” Premadasa stated. 

Premadasa highlighted his plans to actively engage with the top 500,000 companies in India, inviting them to set up operations in Sri Lanka.

“We do not want you not just to remain and stabilise, but to expand. We will provide the requisite encouragement, incentives, support and facilitation for your growth,” he asserted.

He pledged to act as a catalyst and facilitator for these valuable investments, ensuring their protection and support. “We will ensure a business environment that thrives and supports entrepreneurship and thrift,” he added.

He also encouraged existing Indian investors to bring in their friends and partners who have not yet considered investing in Sri Lanka. 

“We will ensure that stability with growth will be the order of the day,” Premadasa said, promising a bright future for Indian investments in Sri Lanka under his leadership.