Sirisena sounds warning bells over errant politicos

Friday, 29 December 2017 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • Says won’t hesitate to penalise anyone breaking the law 
  • Says LG polls first step in establishing clean government 
  • UPFA LG election manifesto released

 By Skandha Gunasekara

Envisioning a new political culture for the country, President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday asserted that he would penalise any individual found to have broken the law, regardless of kinship or friendship. 

Taking part in yesterday’s ceremony to launch the election manifesto of the UPFA, titled ‘Nidahase Sammuthiya’ (Pledge for Freedom), at the BMICH, the President, citing a passage from the Bhagavad Gita, said that he would not hesitate to take action against anyone, whether it be a family member, relation or friend, if that person was found guilty of breaking the law in any way. 

The President said that in the past politicians, even at the provincial and local government level, had become so corrupt that the people had lost faith in provincial and local government councils. 

“Through this local government election the SLFP expects to create a sincere, novel political faction which does not bow down to fraud, corruption and waste like those before it. We have selected only those without any allegations against them. By choosing clean and honest people who are suitable for a clean people-centric political movement, we mark the beginning of setting up a good government in the future.”

He said that similar to implementing drug prevention programs at the earliest stage, starting with schoolchildren, the political culture too needed to be changed from the ground up, starting with local government councils.

“What I’m looking for are individuals who have no personal agendas but have the common interest of the country, nation and people,” President Sirisena said, adding that the Pledge for Freedom declared by the United People’s Freedom Alliance was a concept for the betterment of the country and future generations so that through this concept a group of people necessary for a clear political vision and clean political movement will emerge within the country.

Leaders and representatives of 31 political parties affiliated to the United People’s Freedom Alliance  (UPFA) gathered at the BMICH yesterday to participate in the launch of the Pledge for Freedom. 

The UPFA General Secretary Minister Mahinda Amaraweera presented the vow for the Pledge for Freedom and all representatives of political parties took the pledge. 

The Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO), Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) and Communist Party were among the parties affiliated to the UPFA. 

Minister Amaraweera, who also spoke at the occasion, said that the UPFA had the broadest alliance in the country which would ensure that a healthy political culture takes root.