Sri Lanka and Indonesia strengthen ties at 10th World Water Summit

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 04:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

President Ranil Wickremesinghe with Indonesian President Joko Widodo

  • Head of States engages in extensive discussions on regional and international issues, stresses importance of collaboration in tackling global challenges
  • Wickremesinghe lauds Indonesian President’s leadership on regional and international fronts, underscores vital role of summits in fostering global cooperation
  • Expresses Sri Lanka’s readiness to join Global Blended Financial Alliance
  • Reiterates importance of completing PTA by early 2025
  • President Widodo expresses interest to enter Sri Lanka’s vaccine market via Indonesian pharmaceutical firms
  • Calls on lifting of import restrictions on palm oil and related products
  • Stresses importance of hydro diplomacy, political leadership in achieving sustainable water management and development goals

In a landmark bilateral meeting at the 10th World Water Summit, President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Indonesian President Joko Widodo reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the enduring relationship between the two countries. The leaders engaged in extensive discussions covering a range of regional and international issues, stressing the importance of collaboration in tackling global challenges.

President Wickremesinghe, in his opening remarks, highlighted the deep historical ties between Sri Lanka and Indonesia, tracing back to their joint participation in the 1956 Bandung Conference. 

He lauded President Widodo’s leadership on regional and international fronts, underscoring the vital role of summits like these in fostering global cooperation.

A significant portion of the discussion was dedicated to water management. 

President Wickremesinghe underscored the importance of the World Water Summit and expressed Sri Lanka’s readiness to join the Global Blended Financial Alliance, an initiative aimed at addressing financial challenges in managing water resources.

He praised Indonesia for establishing a Secretariat for the Alliance, recognising its significance for Sri Lanka.

President Widodo emphasised economic cooperation, advocating for the finalisation of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) by the first quarter of 2025 to strengthen economic ties. 

He highlighted Indonesia’s interest in entering the Sri Lankan vaccine market through Indonesian pharmaceutical companies and called for the lifting of import restrictions on Indonesian palm oil and related products.

President Widodo also showcased Indonesia’s advancements in renewable energy, specifically the country’s largest floating solar power project. 

He stressed the importance of hydro diplomacy and political leadership in achieving sustainable water management and development goals. 

Furthermore, he welcomed Sri Lanka’s leadership in the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and its aspirations to become a sectorial dialogue partner.

President Wickremesinghe reiterated the importance of completing the PTA by early 2025, noting Sri Lanka’s existing free trade agreements with India, Singapore, and ongoing negotiations with Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia. 

He discussed the potential benefits of joining the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), suggesting that Sri Lanka’s inclusion could encourage other South Asian countries to follow suit. Wickremesinghe also assured that Sri Lankan health authorities would address the entry of Indonesian pharmaceuticals into the market.

The discussion also touched on regional security and economic cooperation in the Indian Ocean. President Wickremesinghe supported ASEAN’s Indo-Pacific outlook and stressed the need for closer bilateral and regional cooperation regarding Indian Ocean affairs. 

He proposed more frequent meetings between Heads of Government and a specific bilateral agreement with Indonesia to enhance commercial collaboration in the region.

The Indonesian President expressed gratitude for Sri Lanka’s co-sponsorship of the Global Blended Financial Alliance, highlighting its role in achieving sustainable development goals. He called for continued collaboration between the relevant ministries of both countries to support this initiative. 

Looking ahead, President Widodo mentioned the upcoming Presidential transition in Indonesia and expressed hope that the new administration would continue to strengthen ties with Sri Lanka.

President Wickremesinghe conveyed his eagerness to work with Indonesia’s new leadership and extended a personal invitation to President Widodo to visit Sri Lanka after his term ends in October. 

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing bilateral relations and addressing shared global challenges through continued cooperation.