UNP welcomes polls; guarantees development from National Govt. in LG areas

Tuesday, 19 December 2017 01:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The United National Party in a statement yesterday welcomed the announcement that the date for the Local Government Elections was set for 10 February 2018. 

In response to the announcement, UNP Leader and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, laying out his message for the country, said: “The United National Party in the National Government is fixing the mistakes of the past regime to build a stronger economy because without a strong economy we cannot provide necessary funds to local governments. 

“In the 2018 Budget, the UNP in the National Government committed over Rs. 25 billion for all activities at the local government level next year so they can develop roads, improve local health amenities, provide clean drinking water and keep garbage off our streets.  “Only by voting for the UNP locally can you guarantee a good deal from the National Government for your area. And only the UNP’s carefully selected, honest and educated local candidates have the knowledge and ability to deliver for you and your family. 

“This election is close and every vote counts. Don’t risk the future of your local area by voting for any other candidate or by not voting, which is effectively the same as voting for another party. 

“So, at the local government elections make sure you cast your vote for the UNP to secure development in your local area and stick with the UNP’s plan to build a stronger economy.”