Uncertainty looms over Naseer Ahamed’s MP seat after landmark SC verdict 

Saturday, 7 October 2023 00:56 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • SC decides Naseer Ahamed Zainulabdeen’s expulsion from SLMC was valid and lawful 
  • Rejects FR by Minister seeking an order invalidating SLMC’s decision to oust him
  • Political sources say Seyed Ali Zahir Mowlana will likely fill MP vacancy left by Zainulabdeen

Minister of Environment Naseer Ahamed Zainulabdeen now faces the possibility of losing his parliamentary seat after the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling yesterday, which affirmed the validity and lawfulness of his expulsion from the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC).

In April 2022, the SLMC decided to expel party member Zainulabdeen after he switched alliances and was sworn in as the Minister of Environment in the Gotabaya Rajapaksa-led Government.

The party cited Zainulabdeen’s decision to vote in favour of the 2022 budget in December 2021, which ran counter to the SLMC’s stance, as the reason for his expulsion. 

The party accused him of breaching party discipline before ousting him.

Following this Minister Zainulabdeen submitted a petition before the Supreme Court, contesting the SLMC’s suspension of his party membership.

Accordingly, the case was taken up before a three-judge bench comprising Justices Preethi Padman Surasena, S. Thurairaja and Mahinda Samayawardhena yesterday. 

The bench rejected the Fundamental Rights petition submitted by the Minister, which sought an order invalidating the SLMC’s decision to expel him.

While Minister Zainulabdeen’s parliamentary future now remains uncertain, political sources suggest that the SLMC’s executive committee is expected to nominate its Vice President, Seyed Ali Zahir Mowlana, to fill the parliamentary vacancy created by Zainulabdeen due to the court’s decision.