Amidst looming Budget woes and bad governance, Ravi K calls for united Opposition

Thursday, 18 October 2012 00:41 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Warning that the forthcoming 2013 Budget will impose severe hardships on people already battered by bad governance, UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake yesterday renewed his call for a united Opposition to salvage the deteriorating nation.

This appeal came via a statement issued by Karunanayake. Following are excerpts:

In just over three weeks, the UPFA Government will present its next Budget.

For most Sri Lankans, this is an event they look forward to with anticipation but much sought economic relief is often a distant dream. As every day passes, the prices of essential consumer goods are skyrocketing. The worst hit are poorer sections of the public who constitute a vast majority of Sri Lanka’s population. Earning a livelihood has become inexorably difficult for them.

This is at a time when there is a total breakdown in the law and order situation. If you are with the Government, the law is blind to your misdeeds. Those who are perceived to be against the regime are forced to face the full brunt of the law. Making matters worse now is the Government’s shameful attempts to tame the Judiciary and force them to toe the line.

At a moment like this, when the country is being forced to go through one of its darkest chapters, it is a matter of deep regret that the Opposition parties are divided. Internecine battles within the opposition should cease and unity should be built and strengthened. This is with the sole objective of restoring democracy where every citizen can live without fear, harassment or intimidation.

I make this fervent appeal to all politicians in the Opposition to be mindful that the threat to them, the people and the country comes from an authoritarian administration and it is only united and together that we can stand strong against it.