Branson says he will invest in Sri Lanka “if the conditions are right”

Thursday, 9 October 2014 00:16 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Iconic global business leader shares key insights in exclusive article in LMD
“For me, it’s the people – the warmth, the welcome. You don’t get that everywhere, but I’ve always sensed that Sri Lankans have a very charitable and personable side. It’s a great place,” Sir Richard Branson tells LMD, in an exclusive interview which features on the leading business magazine’s October cover. As LMD notes, Branson has been to the country several times, and he has apparently developed a taste for Ginger Beer along the way. “I love Ginger Beer, which I discovered in Sri Lanka; so I owe it (Sri Lanka) that at least,” he says. Branson also says that he has made inroads into developing a business relationship with Sri Lanka, as well as a personal one. As well as holiday trips, he points out that Virgin Airlines now flies charters to Sri Lanka, and that his autobiography was made available for sale in the country not long ago. Yet, LMD says, the question of whether Branson is ready to invest in Sri Lanka “is a trickier one.” The billionaire business magnate notes that “the end of the conflict has been great for everyone, and the country is reaping that benefit,” but he warns that there is still some way to go. What is certain with Branson is that his eyes are firmly fixed on any opportunities that may present themselves, and he is refusing to rule out investing in Sri Lanka at some point, LMD reports. Sir Richard tells the magazine that “if the conditions are right, and if I feel like there is a good opportunity – one I feel passionate about; and one that I feel will enhance not just the Virgin brand, but the lives of Sri Lankans – then, yes, it is perfectly plausible. But it’s got to be a good idea.” Go to for the full interview.