COYLE appeals against US led resolution at UNHRC

Friday, 21 March 2014 04:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Chairman, Committee of Management and Members of COYLE lodged an official Letter of Appeal to the High Commissioners and Ambassadors of the various Foreign Offices in Sri Lanka, protesting against the impending resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC sessions in Geneva. As a consequence of this action, COYLE stressed on the fact that the US led resolution will have an immediate and a long term adverse impact on the Sri Lankan economy severely crippling it and hampering the steady growth it has reported in the post-war scenario. The document is herewith re-produced in the interests of the Sri Lankan Business Community and every peace loving citizen of our country. Following is the full text of the letter sent by COYLE Chairman Sanjaya Jayaratne: Your Excellency, We are writing to you at a crucial juncture in the history of the country, at a time when Sri Lanka is facing an unwarranted resolution once again, in the UNHRC. The Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE), as the Chamber of the new generation of established entrepreneurs in the country, believes it an opportune time to bring to the notice of the international community its staunch support against the said resolution. We as leaders in the business community strongly believe that this resolution is both untimely and unwarranted with dangerous consequences on racial harmony, growth and development of Sri Lanka as a nation. We would like to emphasise our standing, based on the following grounds. The US led resolution will have an immediate and a long term adverse impact on the Sri Lankan economy severely crippling it and hampering the steady growth it has reported in the post war scenario. An internal mechanism (LLRC) was set up as independent internal inquisitor and a national plan has been established to implement a vast range of the LLRC recommendations. Furthermore, the Sri Lankan Government has channelled billions of dollars on rehabilitation, infrastructure development and resettlement of internally displaced persons. Nearly 1.2 million land mines have been cleared in the aftermath of the war, with 297,000 people rescued from the LTTE, and over 11,000 former LTTE soldiers rehabilitated and released to the society. This we believe is a clear manifestation of the Sri Lankan Government’s commitment towards addressing matters crucial to move forward as a country. The resolution has been initiated and fuelled by fabricated propaganda funded by illegal activities, extortionists, volunteer funds that are channelled by LTTE supporters scattered in a few countries. Misleading information including false causality figures have been openly lobbied with regards to the last few days of the war. It is disappointing to note that a majority of these spurious informants are those who have not had first hand experiences of the brutality and the adverse impacts of war which the citizens have had to face. Protagonist communities of the war i.e. the Sinhalese, the Muslims and the Tamils and all others for that matter do not want to relive their horrendous past but are eager to reap the maximum benefits of the hard won peace which we believe would be taken away from them in the event such a resolution succeeds. This will destroy the fabric of a 5,000 year old civilisation which the islanders are very proud of. Considering the above, COYLE as the foremost chamber of Sri Lanka’s vibrant business community earnestly requests the support of your good office to convince your Government to refrain from voting for the US led resolution against Sri Lanka at the upcoming UNHRC sessions as that resolution will adversely affect the hard fought and laboriously fostered ethnic harmony and economic development that the country is now enjoying. We look forward to working with your good office and the state to continue to carry Sri Lanka forward in the path of peace and prosperity. Given an opportunity we would be pleased to meet you and explain this matter in more detail. Thank you very much. Yours faithfully, Sanjaya Jayaratne Chairman Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE)