Fonseka vows to join UNP, JVP to form Uva PC

Wednesday, 17 September 2014 01:26 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Former Army Chief says Opposition parties joined by common goal to defeat Rajapaksa regime
  • Fonseka’s exploded car makes appearance at Bandarawela election rally
  • Govt. recommences distribution of drought relief stipend stalled by Polls Chief after SC approval
By Dharisha Bastians in Bandarawela Former Army Chief Sarath Fonseka upped the ante in the Uva battle, by confirming his Democratic Party would assist the main Opposition parties to form a provincial government, if Saturday’s polls battle ended in a dead heat. Speaking to the Daily FT following an election rally in Bandarawela Town yesterday, Fonseka said the Opposition parties had ‘common goals.’ “Definitely, the UNP, JVP and DP, which are the main Opposition parties, can work together at any time in order to form an administration against this Government,” he charged. “We may be fighting on separate platforms. But our common goal is to defeat the Mahinda Rajapaksa Government,” the former four star General asserted, in a town decorated predominantly in UNP green and DP maroon and yellow in lieu of major rallies in the area yesterday. The DP rally, attended by Fonseka and his wife Anoma Fonseka and several other party strongmen, was attended by about 100 people.   Beside Fonseka’s platform was the badly-damaged car he was travelling in when a LTTE suicide cadre detonated herself outside Army Headquarters in Colombo in April 2006. The explosion site was recreated, using signage and photographs to depict Fonseka’s proximity to the suicide bomber and his injuries following the bomb explosion which incapacitated the Army Chief for several months. The UNP also held a major rally in Bandarawela town last night, attended by Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, Leadership Council Chairman Karu Jayasuriya and Hambantota District MP Sajith Premadasa, who is tipped to be named the party’s deputy leader following the Uva election. Popular UNP Chief Ministerial candidate Harin Fernando addressed the large crowds gathered at the public grounds late last night. The UPFA also held a small rally in Bandarawela town last night. The Badulla District remains in play for the Opposition parties, although the Moneragala District is still believed to be a UPFA stronghold. Following the green light from the Supreme Court last week, the Government recommenced its distribution of the Rs. 2,500 drought relief stipend in Moneragala last week. The stipend, handed out by the Economic Development Ministry, was suspended by the Elections Commissioner who said it could be a violation of election laws since polls were to be held in the District on Saturday (20). However, the Supreme Court provided the go-ahead after a group of farmers from the Moneragala District filed a Fundamental Rights petition against the suspension. The Government decided to resume the distribution from the Moneragala District yesterday. Stopping in Viharagala in Haputale to distribute schoolbooks and religious attire to villagers in the area, UPFA MP Udith Lokubandara said the Government was not violating any election laws by offering handouts during the campaign season. “This is our President, this is our Government. Of course we will help the people,” he charged during a pocket meeting in the village last morning.