Mega confab today to celebrate capital market’s 5 years of post-war success

Thursday, 9 October 2014 00:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • 90 international high net worth global fund managers in town
  • President Rajapaksa to official at ceremonial opening; expert presentations and one to one meetings to follow
  The Sri Lankan capital market has experienced exponential growth in the post-war period and garnered interest from numerous international investors keen on exploring the potential of this promising frontier market. Celebrating this period of abundance, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are hosting the Capital Market Conference 2014 today (9). The event will be inaugurated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa and has attracted nearly 90 international high-net worth fund managers investors, from across the globe. Investors from the United Kingdom, United States, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bahrain and Switzerland will be in attendance at the event. The conference will see a host of interesting presentations by local and international veterans conversant in the Sri Lankan capital market and its prospects for growth. Furthermore the over 90 international fund managers attending the event will have the opportunity of meeting with listed companies and obtaining an in-depth understanding of these companies. The local audience at the conference will comprise Government ministers and high-level representation from the Central Bank, the diplomatic corps, listed companies, custodian banks and market intermediaries. “The Sri Lankan economy benefited immense from the post-war boom and the capital market embarked on an upward trajectory from 2009 onwards. The SEC and CSE hosted numerous international investor forums to attract international investors to capitalise on the value proposition offered on the CSE. We see this Capital Market Conference as a culmination of these efforts and in effect a celebration of the tremendous growth of the Sri Lankan capital market in the past few years,” SEC Chairman Dr. Nalaka Godahewa said. “The conference that we are organising jointly with the SEC is a part of our overall strategy to promote Sri Lanka. We have planned out a series of events both locally and overseas and this conference is a culmination of a series of international market promotional events we did this year. We have over 80 institutional foreign fund managers registered for the Colombo Conference; they have shown a keen interest in the Sri Lankan capital market and are enthusiastic about the prospects in the stock market. Some have already invested in the market for long periods of time whereas others are looking at Sri Lanka for the first time as an ideal frontier market that will provide positive return. The positive developments that are taking place in the CSE are drawing sustained interest from foreign fund managers,” CSE Chairman Vajira Kulatilaka said. “This conference is a gathering of the local capital market industry participants, including policymakers, market intermediaries, listed companies and institutional local and foreign fund managers to talk about the capital market developments that have taken place recently. Foreign investors are here to gain an in-depth understanding of the Colombo stock market. The conference will be followed by one-to-one meetings between visiting fund managers and listed company representatives. We have absolutely a full house for the conference and we look forward to some interesting deliberations,” CSE CEO Rajeeva Bandaranaike said.