No bail for Jayalalithaa, others

Wednesday, 8 October 2014 00:59 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

BANGALORE: The Karnataka High Court has refused to suspend the sentence of the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa. A few over-enthusiastic lawyers supporting Jayalalithaa jumped to conclusion over the granting of bail, when the High Court was hearing all the arguments and clarifications presented by lawyers representing Jayalalithaa, Sasikala, Ilavarasi and Sudhakaran. The earlier reports said the Karnataka High Court had granted conditional bail to the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. The court, which met after lunch session, heard some clarifications from Jayalalithaa’s lawyers. After all the arguments, clarifications of all convicts concluded in the disproportionate assets case. The Judge asked special public prosecutor G. Bhavani Singh for his comments to which he said he had no objection to grant conditional bail to convicts. The former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister who is 66 years-old, is a diabetic and is suffering from blood pressure and heart-related ailments, her lawyers told High Court. Senior lawyer Ram Jethmalani who finished his arguments has argued that Jayalalithaa was entitled for bail during pendency of appeal against conviction as per verdicts of Supreme Court on the subject of grant of bail after conviction. Special Public Prosecutor G. Bhavani Singh has argued that Jayalalithaa being an influential person in Tamil Nadu, if granted bail, may try to escape from conviction or abscond from the country. Countering this argument, Jethmalani said the former Chief Minister was a law abiding citizen and would not abscond from the country. (The Hindu Business Line)